You Prepare A Table
The goal of the AHAV Bible is to apply a methodology to reconstruct and reveal Hebraic “Kingdom of Heaven” New Testament spirituality:
1) Hebrew Tanakh and Jewish Aramaic texts provide unique language and cultural perspectives that defined Yeshua’s first century teachings. The AHAV Bible features hundreds of examples of unique cultural values embedded within Hebrew and Aramaic language.
2) Old & New Testament Greek texts provide many Hebrew and Aramaic transliterations such as, Abba, amen, Eli, Gehenna, hosanna, qorban, mammon, kum, pascha, rabbi, sabbath, satan, shechar, talitha, etc. illustrating how Greek translations of Hebrew Tanakh and Yeshua’s culture were translated in the Greek New Testament.
3) Dead Sea Scrolls and Hebrew/Aramaic inscriptions in Israel illustrate First Century Hebrew Jewish language which can be compared with Greek New Testament language and definitions.
4) Ancient Aramaic Jewish literature and Bible commentaries (Targums) supply Hebrew to Aramaic terms and definitions for Hebrew and Greek translations. Jewish literature was written in Aramaic to provide commentary and discussion of Biblical Hebrew concepts and provide access for Aramaic speakers
5) Prophecies in Biblical Hebrew and “Jewish Aramaic” forecast many elements of Messiah, New Covenant, Acharit haYamim (Latter Days), angels, born again, covenant, perfection of the saints, repentance, holiness, heaven, faith, spiritual warfare, etc.; providing critically important context for the Greek New Testament.
6) Archaeological and scientific discovery confirms and validates Scripture. Science and research illustrate elegant functions of human and earthly mechanisms that negate urban myth traditionally believed to be derived from Scripture. The AHAV Bible provides data for readers to compare differences between superstition with reality.
7) Equivalence of Expressions (gezerah shavah), Idioms, Law of First Mention (definitions), Word Pairs, Kal Vachomer (light and heavy), etc., are principles of interpretation embedded in Hebrew Scripture. Scripture provides internal rules and steps to provide correct interpretation of Scripture, which are provided in the AHAV Bible.
8) Humanistic modernism, such as Greek philosophy, Stoicism, Gnosticism, Sophism, Paganism, mythology, etc., are synthetic authorities that profoundly influence interpretations and meanings of spiritual concepts. The AHAV Bible examines influences 1st century CE modernism within the Greek New Testament.
9) Scholarly and exhaustive research papers, are constantly being published by scholars to help better understand the early Hebrew Jewish and Roman Christian sects who influenced Greek New Testament narratives.
The Sandwich Effect
On one hand, Ancient Hebrew, Aramaic, Jewish commentary and literature (1,400 BC – 400 AD), retains terms and definitions Yeshua (Jesus) used to teach the Kingdom of Heaven. On the other hand, the oldest Aramaic and Greek New Testament texts (200 – 400 AD) evolved from many of these original Hebrew concepts. By comparative verse by verse analysis of Greek New Testament manuscripts, comparing equivalent terms, values, and definitions, with pre-New Testament Hebrew and Aramaic sources, we can effectively extrapolate First Century Hebraic concepts.
The Midrash Effect
The AHAV Bible supplies original Hebrew and Aramaic content, along with Ancient Hebrew word pictures for key words, providing deeper insights into how Yeshua (Jesus) and the Apostles provided midrash (explanation) of the Kingdom of Heaven according to Hebrew Scripture.
Rabbis suggest that there are 70 faces-dimensions to every spiritual concept within Hebrew Scripture, which are organic components embedded within Hebrew language. The AHAV Bible investigates relationships within Hebrew language as it pertains to Yeshua, and through Hebraic teachings, interpretations and midrash (explanation).
The Faith
Archaeological artifacts and inscriptions discovered in Israel indicate that Yeshua (Jesus) and his original Jewish followers spoke Hebrew and Jewish Galilean Aramaic. Age old theories about Yeshua and the history of the New Testament are upgraded with archaeological evidence. The AHAV Bible retains countless wonderful and exciting revelations to inspire readers with the original Hebraic Jewish emunah (faith) of Yeshua (Jesus).