
What is man, that You are mindful of him?

The peoples of earth have many languages; heaven has but one

Question: Why on earth do we need yet another New Testament Bible?

Answer: Because there are gaps in the New Testament that can be closed.  Closing these gaps leads to greater power, truth, reality and faith.

Closing the Gap

Chronologically, there’s a 20-75 year, or more, gap between many events in the New Testament and the recording of these events.  Within this chronological gap is a plethora of related gaps.

Linguistically, there’s a gap between contextuality and definitions of Hebrew, Aramaic, Koine Greek and Latin.  Christian academia tends to focus on the nuances within Koine Greek however a more panoptic viewpoint reveals magnificent elements often never discussed.

Culturally, there are gaps between the ideologies of Greek Theos (God) Kurios (Lord), Heaven, Hell, Hades, Tartarus, Belief, Faith, Law, Righteousness, Salvation, Virtue, within the Greek New Testament and Hebraic values Elohim (Eternal-Mighty One), YHWH (the Self Existent One), Mashiyach (Anointed One-Messiah) Yeshua (Jesus).

Spiritually, there are gaps within A) the spirituality and theology of Christianity, B) Hebraic Kingdom of Heaven messianism, C) and Christian perspectives of sects of Judaism mentioned within the Greek New Testament.

Relationally, there’s a gap between what God says He loves in the Greek New Testament, and what God says He loves in Hebrew Tanakh (Christian Old Testament).  The gap we need to close, the ultimate gap, is distance between God and us.

The AHAV New Testament Bible takes readers to places where many have never known or considered.  The Hebraic emunah (faith) of Yeshua (Jesus) was a culture and a state of being which existed long before theological belief.

“And he said to them, ‘Because of this kol (every) sopher (scribe-teacher), having been lamad (taught-trained) in the Malkhut Shamayim (Kingdom of Heaven) is like a ba’al bayit (master of the house), who brings out of his otsar (wealth-strength-treasure) chadash (new) and qedem (former-beginning-east-ancient).” Matthew 13:52 AHAV

Mashiyach (Anointed One-Messiah) is the connection between qedem (former-beginning-east-ancient) and chadash (new). The AHAV Bible provides fresh panoptic, historical, and Hebraic views of Abraham, Moses, David, and Hebrew prophets in relationship to Yeshua (Jesus) and his messiahship. 

The definition and work of Hebrew Mashiyachim (Anointed Ones-Christians) prophetically predates the Greek New Testament by about 2,000 years, as evident by Abraham’s faith which is mentioned in the Greek New Testament.  It’s time the world was introduced to Yeshua (Jesus) according to his organic indigenous Hebrew Jewish messiahship.

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