Invest in a Better Word
The AHAV Bible has power to unify humanity like no other New Testament Bible. The AHAV Bible is based on the original Davar (Word) not theological opinions, but on the principles of Hebrew spirituality which qualified Yeshua (Jesus) as the Jewish Messiah. Yeshua’s ministry is based 100% on the Torah and prophecies of Hebrew TNK (Old Testament). The Hebrew prophets foretold of a messianic king, Sar Shalom (the Prince of Peace), who would reconcile and unite all people. Unifying humanity is possible, “The things that are impossible with people are possible with God”, Luke 18:27.
The AHAV Bible retains principles of the organic universal inclusivity of Ahav Echad (One Love) which is a culture more so than a religion. The AHAV Bible is a journey into the Hebraic contextuality and nuances of conscience, faith, family, belief, spirituality, prayer, relationship, sexuality, wealth, wisdom, virtue, etc., which are simply unavailable in all other Bible versions.
Principles of universal Ahav Echad (One Love) inclusivism that are impossible to reconcile with binary theology are reconciled in the AHAV Bible. We are very grateful for your contributions which will help us produce printed and digital versions to empower our human family.
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