the Text

Discern and Understand the Books

The AHAV Bible amplifies relationships and definitions within Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek language.  For example, “righteous” is derived from the Hebrew “tsadiq” (tsadi dalet yud qof), making the beautiful Ancient Hebrew word picture:

Journey to the Door of Eternity

“Righteousness” is an attribute and key identifier of the prophetic work of Mashiyach (Messiah) and followers.  It would be absurd to say Yeshua (Jesus) was “cleared,” or “justified” while being “sinless”.  In reality, the work of Messiah  is “the journey” to the door of eternity.

Context and definition are everything when it comes to communication and understanding.  It’s impossible to define “love” in one word; so, we instinctively “amplify” a definition with words and actions to draw out the meaning.

Shimon bar Yonah was given the Aramaic name Keefa, which was transliterated to Greek Cephas, to Petros, and then “Peter.”  Matthew 16:18 reads, “…you are Keefa, and on this keefa (rock) I will build my assembly.”  Mark 12:10 reads, “…The keefa (rock) the builders rejected has become the head cornerstone,” quoted from Psalm 118:22.  This makes a prophetic connection to Genesis 49:24, “the Shepherd, the Stone (Eben) of Israel.  Peter was the first on record to identify Yeshua (Jesus) as Mashiyach (Messiah), and thus related keefa (rock) with eben (stone). 

Giving Shimon the name Keefa illustrates a connection between Hebrew Tanakh (Torah-Prophets-Writings) and the Greek New Testament. Authors of the Greek New Testament relied mostly on translations of Hebrew Tanakh (Torah-Prophets-Writings) which Christians refer to as the Old Testament.  The AHAV Bible enables readers to see and compare Hebrew Tanakh with the Greek Old Testament quotation which reveals many religious ideologies, philosophies, and theological traditions deployed to authenticate the messiahship of Yeshua (Jesus) and his teachings. 
